Exercise for Identifying Your Values
Remember it always starts with a tiny step
Step 1: Create Your Personal Values List
- Sit in a quiet space with a notebook and pen or open a digital document.
- Review the following list of common values and write down the ones that resonate most with you, you can add your own values:
- Honesty
- Freedom
- Creativity
- Compassion
- Adventure
- Family
- Growth
- Health
- Connection
- Security
- Spirituality
- Independence
- Learning
- Love
- Success
- After you’ve selected your values, narrow them down to your top 5 values. These should be the ones that feel most essential to your sense of self.
Step 2: The “Why” Test
For each of the top 5 values, ask yourself, “Why is this important to me?” Write down your answers in detail. For example:
- Value: Freedom
- Why is it important?: “Freedom allows me to make choices that align with my true desires, without feeling restricted or controlled by others.”
Step 3: Reflect and Prioritize
- Once you’ve answered the “Why” for each value, rank your top 5 values in order of importance. Ask yourself, “If I had to choose, which value could I not live without?”
- Reflect on how these values show up in your life. Are you living in alignment with them, or is there a gap?
Outcome: This exercise will help you gain clarity on what truly matters to you, allowing you to make choices that align with your core value