Turning Negative Thoughts into Empowering Beliefs

Goal of the Exercise:

This exercise is designed to help you recognize the negative thoughts coming from your inner voice, challenge their validity, and reframe them into beliefs that empower you to dream fearlessly. Over time, you’ll find that your inner voice becomes more of an ally, supporting your goals rather than holding you back.

Step 1: Identify Your Negative Thoughts

  • Take a piece of paper or open a blank document on your device.
  • Think about a dream, goal, or aspiration that you’ve been hesitant to pursue. Write it down.
  • Now, listen to your inner voice and write down every negative thought or reason that comes up, telling you why this dream isn’t possible.


  • “I’m not talented enough.”
  • “I’ll never find the time to do this.”
  • “I’m afraid of failing.”

Step 2: Challenge These Thoughts

  • For each negative thought you’ve written, ask yourself the following questions:
  • Is this thought 100% true, or is it just a fear?
  • Have I ever overcome a similar challenge before?
  • What would I say to a friend who had this same thought?

Write down your answers next to each negative thought. Often, you’ll find that these thoughts are not as valid as they seem.

Step 3: Reframe the Negative Thoughts into Positive Affirmations

Now turn each negative thought into a positive, empowering belief. For example:

  • Instead of “I’m not talented enough,” write, “I can develop my skills and improve over time.”
  • Instead of “I’ll never find the time,” write, “I can make time for things

Step 4: Create a Daily Affirmation Practice

  • Choose 2-3 of your new positive affirmations and write them on sticky notes, in your journal, or save them as a reminder on your phone.

Reflection Questions:

  • How did it feel to write down your negative thoughts?
  • Were you surprised by any of the thoughts that surfaced?
  • How do you feel now that you’ve turned these negative thoughts into positive affirmations?

You got it, You can do it, and if you still need support reach out and I will be more than happy to help.